Formerly The Land Down Under
Now The Man Down Under
Former Songwriters: Men At Work

Rewrite By, One Who Is Still Under Construction, God Ain't Finished
With Me Yet.
New Lyrics: Bj Maxwell
Thankyou Lord For This Gift
Feel Free To Post Unaltered Anywhere.
Old Lyrics In ' '
New Lyrics In Black
Links In Green
Hold Down The Shift Key, Click Here, Then Minimize To Sing New Lyrics With Music.
The Man Down Under

Travelling In A Pre Used Body
(Rev. 13:3,12)

In The Devil's Gang, Some Would Think Zombie
(2 Thess. 2)

I Met A Strange Christian, He Made Me Nervous
(1 John 4:4)
He Took Me In And Had A Church Service.
(He. 10:24,25)
And He Said,
Do You Come From The Man Down Under?
(1 Jn. 2:18-24 ; 4:1-6 )
Where Demons Row Through Streams Of Sulphur?

I Have Read Of Satans Blunders
(Isaiah 14:12-16; Ezekiel 28:12-19)
The Son Has Won, There Really Is No Other
(Ps. 2; Isaiah 1:4; 48:12,16; 53:1: Jn. 14:6; Acts 4:12)
Sold A Gnostic, Fake Hand Solution

Who Thinks This Is A Mere Illusion

He Said, My Hand, Ain't Really Itching.
(Revelation 13:11-18; Rev. 16:2)

I Just Scanned His Microchipped Hand, With It Twitching.

Then I Said,
I Come From The Man Down Under
(2 Thess. 2:9-12)
Where Fire Flows And Men Shudder
(Matt. 25:46)

Can't You See, Can't You See His Wonders?
(2 Thess. 2:9-12)
Take My Mark, Or You Better Take Cover.
(Revelation 13:11-18; Rev. 16:2)

Lieing To Some Jewish Virgins
They Have God's Seal, To Preserve Them.
(Revelation 7:1-8; 14:1-5)
Then I Said To The Men, Are You Gonna Arrest Me
Because I'm The Man Of, Iniquity.
(2 Thess. 2:8-10)
And They Said
"Oh! Do you come from' The Man 'down under? (oh yeah yeah)'
Where Demons Row Through Streams Of Sulphur?

Can't You Hear, Can't You Hear God's Thunder
(Revelation 14:1,2)

You Better Run, You Better Take Cover.
(2 Thess. 2:8-10; Rev. 19:20,21; 20:10)

Some Are
Livin In A Land Of Wonder

There Christ Ones Go The Rest Are Down Under
(Matt. 7:13,14; Rev. 15:2-4)
Can't You See, Can't You See God's Wonders
(Daniel 12:3.4; Rev. 21)

Love The Son, There Really Is No Other.
(Ps. 2; Isaiah 1:4; Isaiah 48:12,16; 53:1 John 14:6; Acts 4:12)

Ready To Sing It Yourself?
Just Hold Down The Shift Key, Click Here, Then Minimize To Sing With New Lyrics Above.
New Lyrics By Bj Maxwell
Constructive Criticism By Cynthia Maxwell
Copyright ©
Preterists Believe That Satan Has Been Put Down And The Mark Of The Beast Has Happened Already And/Or They Are Not Literal, Gnostics Such As 'Christian Scientists', Divine Scientists (Cults) Deny The Literalness
Of Most Everything, Including The Incarnation Of Christ, So These Folks Are Wrong And The Gullible Folks That Listen
To Them Will Be In The Most Danger.
"So the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth ; and it became a loathsome and MALIGNANT SORE on the people
who had the MARK OF THE BEAST and who WORSHIPED HIS IMAGE." (Rev. 16:2)
"Then that LAWLESS ONE will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the
appearance of His coming ; 9 that is, the one WHOSE COMING IS IN ACCORD WITH THE ACTIVITY OF SATAN, with all power and signs
and false wonders, 10 and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love
of the truth so as to be saved." (2 Thess. 2)
"Beloved, DO NOT BELIEVE EVERY SPIRIT, but TEST THE SPIRITS to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets
have gone out into the world. 2 By this you know the Spirit of God : EVERY SPIRIT THAT CONFESSES THAT JESUS CHRIST HAS COME
IN THE FLESH IS FROM GOD; 3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God (Preterists, Gnostics) ; this is
the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world. 4 You are from
God, little children, and have overcome them; because GREATER IS HE WHO IS IN YOU than he who is in the world." (1 John 4)
Satan, Hell And The Mark Of The Beast Are Literal:
Some folks lifted up their eyes in hell.
The first person said, What!, Doesn't the Bible say, Repent and be Baptists?
The second person shouted, No
the Bible says, 'All have sinned and have fallen short of the assemblies of God'
Another exclaimed, "This is not literal"
next person said, "This already happened in 70 A.D."
Still another gnashed his teeth then said, This sure doesn't feel
like a 'cutting off'
Another screamed, "Someone is praying me out of here."
While another complained, Where
are the virgins that were promised to me?
Still another closed his eyes and said, 'This Just aint literal man!'
Then Someone Declared, Aren't We All Going To Be Saved Eventually?
The last person said, I dunno why I am here I was just following these folks.
A Group Presently Called PretCosmos Of Over
Three Hundred Members (Mostly Preterists) Have Seen Fit To Censor Me And Delete Messages Based On The Fact That They Cannot Keep Up With And Answer My Arguments Against Preterism And Rather
Than Read Anything I Say, Hurl Insults.
Note How Many Insults Are Directed Toward People
They Don't Want To Intelligently Discuss Preterism With.
The Use Of The Word Moron Here.
This Is Why I Have Taken It Here To Deal With Their Refusal To Read Anything That Refutes Preterism And Is Longer Than Five Pages, Which
Partly Explains Why They Are 'Ever Learning But Never Coming To The Knowledge Of The Truth.' (2 Timothy 3:7)
The Moderators Of This Group, David Green And Edward
Hassertt Fancy Themselves Informed Preterists, So I Will Be Critiquing Their Online Statements, Including Their Articles.
A Refutation Of Their PretCosmos Site:
How Will Christ Return? (According To These Preterists)
And My Refutation
Click Here.
Acts Two: What Ever Happened To The Fireworks Display?
The Prophetic Delay
For Calvinists And Calvinistic Preterists:
It's As Plain As The Nose On Whose Face?
It's As Plain As The Nose On Whose Face?: Part Two
Zechariah Fourteen: How Christ Will Come Back (Part One)
Click Here.
Part Two
Actually, God Is In The Details And Doesn't Use It For Filler To Make His Book Bigger
And More Impressive.
How Utterly Pagan For Many To Conclude That Details Don't Matter Or Have Some Other
Esoteric Or Figurative Meaning That Ignores The Plain Sense And Details.
To These Folks I Say Shame On You, And Your Judgment Is Coming.
If The Plain Sense Makes Sense, Seek No Other Sense To Replace It, Lest You End Up With
"The conclusion must be that allegorism is a pagan trick designed
to replace the plain sense of a text by a speculative alternative. It should be avoided by Christians like the plague." (Traditional
Allegorism -- Its Origin, Effects, And Refutation, By R. K McGregor Wright, A.U.A., BD, ThM, PhD)
Should We Suppose That All The Details Of Noah's Ark Are Just There For Show As Well.
Here's A Good Link On The Literal Physical And Geographical Living Waters Of Zechariah
Living Waters:
Much More Later.
If Any Links No Longer Work Let Me Know.
Also Typing Unique Key Words From This Page Into Google Or Yahoo Will Take You To The Other Places On The Web That I've
Said These Things.
I Will Also Post A Link To Some Points I've Created Called: You're A Hopeless Preterist
If You:
Also Create A Chart Which Sums It Up For Those That Have A Short Attention Span Or Very
Little Time.
In This Chart I Will Point Out Where Most Religiously Errant Groups Go Wrong, Including
Preterists. .
This Chart Will Include:
What Leads To Replacement Theology?: Replacing That Which Is Plain
Differences Between The Church And Israel.
And You're A Hopeless Replacement Theologian If You:
Which Is What Most Errant Religious Groups Do, Including Preterists.
Sometimes Pictures Can Paint A Thousand Words.
First You're A Hopeless Preterist If You.
Hopeless Here.
Time To Clean Off Your Tennis Shoes When:
Now The Chart Created At The Link Below It, Expounded On By Me:
Concerns a kingdom; a political organization (Dan.2:44, Matt. 6:10). |
Concerns a body; a living organism (I Cor. 12:12,27, Eph. 4:12-16). |
The kingdom to be established on earth (Jer. 23:5, Matt. 6:10). |
The body given a position in heaven (Eph. 1:3, 2:5-6, Col. 3:1-3). |
Christ to be its King (Jer.23:5, Isa. 9:6,7). |
Christ its living Head (Eph. 1:19-23, Col. 1:18). |
The kingdom prophesied "since the world began" (Luke 1:68-70, Acts 3:21). |
The body chosen in Christ before the world began, but "kept secret since the world began" (Rom. 16:25, Eph. 1:4-11, 3:5-9). |
Israel to be given supremacy over the nations (Isa. 60:10-12, 61:6). |
Jew and Gentile placed on the same level before God (Rom. 10:12, 11:32, Eph. 2: 16,17). |
The Gentiles to be blessed through Israel's instrumentality
(Gen. 22:17,18, Zech. 8:13). |
The Gentiles blessed through Israel's obstinacy
(Acts 13:44-46, Rom. 11:28-32). |
The Gentiles to be blessed through Israel's rise
(Isa. 60:1-3, Zech. 8:22,23). |
The Gentiles blessed through Israel's fall (Acts
28:27,28, Rom. 11:11,12,15) . |
Prophecy mainly concerns nations as such (Isa. 2:4, Ezek. 37:21,22). |
The mystery concerns individuals (Rom. 10:12,13, II Cor. 5:14-17). |
Prophecy concerns blessings, both material and spiritual, on earth (Isa. 2:3,4, 11:1-9, etc.). |
The mystery concerns "all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies" (Eph. 1:3, Col. 3:1-3). |
Prophecy concerns Christ's coming to the earth (Isa. 59:20, Zech. 14:4). |
The mystery explains Christ's present absence from the earth (Eph. 1:20-23, Col. 3:1-3). |
In prophecy salvation by grace through faith alone is not contemplated. |
Salvation by grace through faith alone lies at the very heart of the mystery (Rom. 3:21-26, 4:5, Eph. 2:8,9). |
The proclamation of the prophetic program committed particularly to the twelve (Matt. 10:5-7, Acts 1:6-8, 3:19-26). |
The proclamation of the mystery committed particularly to Paul (Eph. 3:1-3,8,9, Col. 1:24-27). |
The prophetic program revealed through many of
God's servants (Luke 1:70, II Pet. 1:21). |
The mystery revealed through one man:
Paul (Gal. 1:1,11,12, 2:2,7,9, Eph. 3:2,3).10 |
Old testament writers frequently did not understand the
prophecies made known through them (Dan. 12:8-10, I Pet. 1:10-12). |
Paul both understood and longed that others might understand
the mystery revealed through him. (Eph. 1:15-23, 3:14-21, Col 1:9-10, 2:1-3). |
http://geocities. com/protestantsc ot/ttd/chapter2. html
Where Errant Groups First Go Wrong.
What Leads To Replacement Theology?: Replacing That Which Is Plain
Differences Between The Church And Israel.
You're A Hopeless Replacement Theologian If You: