Tebow Knows
'CM' Placed A Few Places Where Her Suggestions Were Used.
New And Improved Lyrics By Bj Maxwell
Feel Free To Post Unaltered Anywhere.
Formerly Sung By 'Blood, Sweat And Tears'
Links In Green
Formerly 'Spinning Wheel'
If You Know The Tune And Like Karaoke, Hold Down The Shift Key Click Here Then Minimize, To Sing New Lyrics Below.
If You Need Help, Arnold Sings
This Tune Below. Just Scroll To End Of Song And Click The Link, Minimize, Then Sing With Him To The New Lyrics.

Tebow Knows

Picked Him Up, Then Put Him Down
On Your Trip To Quick Bankruptcy?

Did You Find That Reflecting Dime

To Just Remind, You Bout This Rhyme?
And Show You The Savior,That Is Real
Pay Ton Manning, Yes, He Loves You.
For Sixty Million, In Two Years Too.
But John Keep 'Your Troubles', All To Your Self
Pay-Ton Caught Your Pony
Elways Records
On Back Shelf.

'Vinny's' waiting just for you

Roulette Wheel Is Orange And Blue
Millions Of Dollars To Super Ride.

'Ride' This High Priced 'pony'

'Til The', Horse Manure Fly.

You Reap, Is What You've Sown
Pay-Ton Thinks,
Tebow Knows
You Think It's All Bout Football, That's A Lyin Sin
Liked This Denver Bronco
Until He Didn't Win

You Think It's All Bout Fitness And Super Bowl.
(1 Tim. 4:7,8)
Forgot To Witness And Tebow Home.
(Philippians 4:4-9)

Talkin Bout Faith In Faith, But Christ You Spurn
(2 Tim 1:12)

Rode This 'Painted Pony.'
(Tebow Pass To Thomas To Win Playoff Game In Half A Year)
(Ephesians 2:8-10)
Then You Did The Tebow Burn.

Tim Did Fine As 'A Directing Sign.'

To The 'Straight And Narrow Highway'
(Matt. 7:13,14)

Tebow Knows Bout The Highest Prize
(Phil. 3:12-15)
So Let Christ Shine And Renew Your Mind
(Rom. 12:1,2; 2 Cor. 3:18; Eph. 4:23; Col. 3:10)
And Show You The Color That Redeems.
The Color Song

Jesus Is Waiting, Tried And True.
Tebow Knows, God Loves You.
Drop All Your Troubles, 'Down By The River Side.'
(Down By The Riverside)

Catch This Horse And Rider

To The Heavenly Prize.
God's Son Is Waiting, Tried And True.
John Three Sixteen, God Loves You
(John 3:16-18)
Give Him Your Troubles 'Down By The Riverside'.
(Down By The Riverside)
Take God's Horse And Rider
And Get The Highest Prize.
(Phil. 3:12-15)

To Hear Arnold Sing This, Hold Down The Shift Key, Click Here, Minimize, Then Read The New Lyrics Above.
New Lyrics By Bj Maxwell
Love To The Father, Son And Holy Spirit For Inspiring Me And Giving Me Purpose.
Love To My Wife
Cynthia For Her Love, Support And Believing In Me. Also Thanks To Her For Her Constructive Suggestions And The Promoting Of These
Songs. ;-D
"The 1961 Report of the
Register of Copyrights on the General Revision of the U.S. Copyright Law cites examples of activities that courts have
regarded as FAIR USE: "quotation of excerpts in a review or CRITICISM FOR PURPOSES OF ILLUSTRATION
OR COMMENT; quotation of short passages in a scholarly or technical work, for illustration or clarification of the authors observations; USE IN A PARODY OF SOME OF THE CONTENT OF THE WORK PARODIED..."
My Wife And I Toured The Focus On
The Family Headquarters In Colorado Springs. We Were Impressed And Believe That Organizations Like This Are Needed.
However, Pat Robertson said something at his 700 club/clique
on Television, that angered and alarmed me and got me to rethink the narrow focus on the family. He said that couples need
to have children because if one of the spouse dies then the other spouse will be all alone.
He said this in a very smug way, showing his lack of understanding of God's presence
and the role others should play in our lives.
He told those that couldn't have children or chose not to have children that if
their spouse passed away that they would be alone forevermore.
He is not a part of the Focus on the Family organization as far as I know. Still, what
he said, reflects the typical view of conservative Christians, which includes Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the family.
What about Church and What about Community:
"Tom Sine Writes, 'You won't find anything in the Bible that supports the idolatrous
preoccupation with protecting the individual biological family that characterizes many conservative Christian groups today.
Read the New Testament again. There is very little mention of family. There is certainly nothing in the Bible about protecting
the family as it is." (How Right is the Right, pg 134, Frame and Tharpe)
The focus on the biological family including the overemphasis on having children is a
narrow focus that takes our eyes off the bigger picture. Going to church on Sunday, only focusing on one's own family,
ministry or club while neglecting the rest of the community is nothing short of selfish.
Only one that was too family oriented would think that a person would be all alone if
their spouse died. I would be devastated if my wife passed away, I might not ever completely recover. However, I would not
be alone. I would have Christ and my involvement in Church and Community.
"Most contemporary churches, however, have abandoned the parish concept, have lost sight
of the vital role they play in communities. People leave their communities to attend church across town or in another town.
Personal preference for a particular church takes precedence over community commitment." (Ibid, pg 134)
It is this kind of group/family thinking that makes it difficult to get other Christians
to fellowship outside the Church Walls.
So if anything would result in Christians being all alone, it would be this ridiculous
and selfish notion that our biological family is all there is.
I have seen many couples that focus on their children to the neglect of each other
and others.
Some people have had children just to keep their marriages together.
Children are not to be the main focus in a family.
If spouses neglect or inadvertently abuse each other, even in the interest of taking
care of their children, the children will learn more from this negative than any focus on the child will ever accomplish.
Children learn respect for others by watching the respect couples show each other and
If spouses don't respect each other, it shows in the way the children act.
I've noticed many Stepford wives of Miles Apart Ministry leaders that looked like they were being dragged to church and were only tolerating certain others until
they got back home to their families or back to their preferred people group.
"In summary, as moderates, we encourage a broad discussion of cultural values, one that
includes, but is not dominated by, a narrow focus on the family. We encourage all people to recognize the price this country
has paid by losing sight of the importance of community. After all, the Bible does not dictate exactly what constitutes a
family. It does, however, make clear that we owe responsibilities toward our parents and children, husbands and wives, sisters
and brothers, friends and neighbors, and even our enemies. (Ibid, pg 138)
There is a group think that pervades our Churches as well.
ALONE SINCE. " My mamma
More on this later.
BJ Maxwell
Revised 03/04/2006