New Lyrics By Bj Maxwell
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The Outlaw
Larry Norman Wrote Great Words But Left The Song Undone. Here's What Else He Could Have Said.
The Outlaw
"Some say he was an outlaw, that he roamed across the land,
With a band of unschooled ruffians and few old fishermen,
No one knew just where he came from, or exactly what he'd done,
But they said it must be something bad that kept him on the run...."
Larry Norman, The Outlaw

Some say The Devil's Brother (Mormons), Some Say A Demigod (JW's)
Others Say He Was A Prophet Or Just Another Fraud.
No Man Knows Just Where He Went To Or When He's Coming Back
But Hope Their Speculatin Isn't Too Far Off The Track. (Bj Maxwell)

Some Say He Was A Liar And A Lunatic
That His Many Acts Of Power Taken From His Bag Of Tricks,
That he spoke in many Riddles So few would understand. (Zen Buddhism)
The Rest That Followed After That Was Not What He Had Planned. (Sun Myung Moon; Isaiah 53; Acts 2)

Some say a Unifier who spoke of being One
To Reconcile The Father, Mother, Daughter And The Son
He spoke out against Division, Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged.
The Lion Of Least Resistance, Was His Test Of Divine Love. (Matt. 23; 1 Cor. 13)

Some Say He Was A Conqueror, Who Spoke Of Victory
'From The Halls Of Montezuma, To The Shores Of Tripoli.'
To Split The Mount Of Olives, To Cause His Foes To Flee.
But Not The Righteous Servant Who Died Upon A Tree. (Isaiah 53; Daniel 9:25-27)
Some Say He's God Almighty, But All His Work Fell Short
So Thank The Lord For Mom And Friends, They're Happy To Report.
And We're All Saved By Grace Through Faith, Out One Side Of Their Smile
After We've Done All We Can, And Fifty Extra Miles.
Some say he Is Almighty God, The Word That Sets Men Free. (John 1:1-18)
The Lord, A Liar, Or Lunatic, But Cannot Be All Three. (Lord, Liar, Lunatic-C.S. Lewis)
And God's Who I believe he is cause God's Who I believe,
The One Eternal Sacrifice, The Lamb Of God For Me. (Hebrews 10:12; Isaiah 53)
End Of Song
New Lyrics By Bj Maxwell
Musical Background By Bj Maxwell
Sung By Little Billy
Thanks To Cynthia My Wife For Making My Real World Manageable, So I Can Sing My Life Away.
Thanks To God The Father, God the Son And God The Holy Spirit.
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The Outlaw, The Original, Larry Norman
Some say he was an outlaw, that he roamed across the land,
With a band of unschooled ruffians and few old fishermen,
No one knew just where he came from, or exactly what he'd done,
But they said it must be something bad that kept him on the run....
Some say a politician who spoke of being free,
He was followed by the masses on the shores of Galilee,
He spoke out against corruption and he bowed to no decree,
And they feared his strength and power so they nailed him to a tree.
Some say he was a sorcerer, a man of mystery,
He could walk upon the water, he could make a blind man see,
That he conjured wine at weddings and did tricks with fish and bread,
That he talked of being born again and raised people from the dead.
Some say he was the Son of God, a man above all men,
That he came to be a servant and to set us free from sin,
And that's who I believe he is cause that's what I believe,
And I think we should get ready cause it's time for us to leave.
(Larry Norman, The Outlaw)