The Replacement Killers
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New Lyrics: Bj Maxwell
Formerly "Instanbul, Not Constantinople" By The Four Lads.
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The Replacement Killers
"Istanbul was Constantinople

Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople"

Cons Dreams Replaced By Turkey Yodles
(Rev. 1-3)

Not That Islam's Right, Just Fulfilling Christ
(Rev. 1:12,13,20;2:1,5)
Cath-o-lics In Constantinople
Const-ipated, Would Not Read Their Bibles

If You've A Class At The Popes Rope A Dope School
Watch Out For The Papal Bull

Cons Queen Replaced Seven Churches

At Seven Hills Then Donned A Burka
(Muslims Queen)
Folks Don't Like What God Has To Say.
Please Take Us Back To True Koinonia!!

Want God's Word Not Popes Ex Cathedras
Revelation One Through Three In The Scriptus
(Rev. 1:12,13,20;2:1,5)
Why Do Cath-o-hol-ics Get The Hearse?

Revelation Seventeen Has The Verse
(Rev. 17)
Papal Bull

Golden Bull

Most Folks Replace God's Word With Their Meanings.
(Romans 1:19,20,23,25,26)

Why Do They Change And Replace?
They Don't Like What God Has To Say.
Istanbul Also Has A Queen

Don't Want Cons Whore Or Her Offspring
(SEVENTH SESSION, CANONS ON BAPTISM: “If anyone says that in the Roman Church, which is the mother and mistress of all
churches...” (Canons on Baptism, Canon 3).)

"Been A Long Time" Since This Bad Dream
Lots Of Offspring From This 'Church'
Cults, Mormons, Lots Of Muslim Turks.
Before That Scene, A Queen, Seeing Double?

(Gen. 37:9,10; Jerry 7:18;44-18-22)
Then Jew Kills Jew And Jacob's Troubles.
(1 Kings 19:10,14; Isaiah 1:4-9; Jer. 30:7; Matt. 23:37-39)
Replacements Came When Home Lies In Rubble. (A.D. 70- Had I Come Back Before)

How Will Israel Get It Back?

Ezekiel Thirty Six Has All That.
(Ezekiel 36)
New Lyrics By Bj Maxwell
09/12/2012, 09/16/2012
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Many Points Below Are Links To Messages That Prove Each Point.
You're a Replacement Theologian if you:
1) Really think that God was taken by surprise when the Jews didn't keep their part of the agreement. (Romans 11:32) 
2) Think that words like: 'Partial blindness' and 'until' are translation errors that we shouldn't concern
ourselves with. (Romans 11:24-27; Luke 21:20-24)
3) Believe the millions that are flocking to Israel are just there for the cool Holy Land Tours.
4) Are a five point calvinist except in regards to Israel. (Ezekiel 36)
5) Cannot quite figure how a completely forsaken people are still
making headlines.
6) Think that those pesky people over in Israel are really the terrorists.
7) Believe Hitler really just didn't like Jewish Wannabes.
8) Are still trying to apply every OT scripture regarding Israel
to the church.
9) Think that if the plain sense makes sense, you should seek another sense that dispenses with the literal
future tense.
10) Truly believe that the term 'lost tribes' refers to their geographic situation. (Matthew 10:5-7)
11) Think that 'All Israel will be saved' makes sense as referring
to the church, similar to 'all men will be male', but think that 'Israel' in the previous verse really means Israel. (Romans
12) Are finding it difficult but are working on how the tribes in
Revelation are really referring to particular denominations in the church. (Revelation 7 and 14)
13) Think you are only a Placement (not Replacement)Theologian because
you don't really want to live in Israel, though visiting or having a time share there would be nice.
14) Think that Armstrong made an irrefutable point when he pointed out that Jerusalem is spelled Jer-USA-lem.
15) Think your physical circumcision as an infant was a sign of good
things to come.
16) Became a Catholic because it was the closest thing to the Jewish Way that you could find. (Matthew 23)
17) Think that Christ's condemnation of 'calling men Father', putting tradition on a level equal to scripture,
'straining at gnats, swallowing camels' and not practicing what one preaches is something only applicable to the Jews of Old
but not their replacements. (Matthew 23)
18) Are hoping that being of the 'seed of Abraham' not Jacob is a
detail that no one will pay much attention to.
19) Think the end of the age Christ was talking about was only the
end of the Jewish age in 70 AD and the beginning of their replacements. Had Christ meant the end of all things, He would have
said 'End of all ends, so help me God' and thrown in a few verilys.
20) Don't think it odd that your whole view of the church is based
completely on the Jewish Model. (Matthew 16:15; Acts 2)
21) Think that 'the two becoming one new man' really means the two becoming one Jew, man. (Ephesians 2:14-17)
22) Have an intense desire to major on the minors and embrace the shadow. (Romans 14; Colossians 2)
23) Think that God turned forever away from the Jew to the Gentile rather than from Group think (Jew only
or first) to whosoever will. (John 8:39ff; Acts 13:46ff; Compare Romans 1:16 to Romans 3:23ff)
Pt. 2:
Bj Maxwell
Copyright ©
Newest Points:
24) Your B.S. Degree Came After Being Able To Expend Twice the Energy And Words To Dismiss The Plain Sense
Of Scripture Rather Than Just Believing It
25) Have Replaced Israel With The Catholic Church and Jesus With Mary
You're Hopeless If:
Newest Points:
Replace One Truth Of God For Another
Bj Maxwell
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Think Your Run For President Will Get The Christian Vote If You Replace 'My Unbelief' With 'My Interpretation'
Bj Maxwell
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What Leads To Replacement Theology: Replacing The Plain Sense Of Scripture
Summary: There's Way Too Much Replacin Goin On!