A Quote From The Other Bj Maxwell:
church must not confuse what is part of the imago Dei and what is part of the imago hominis. Ethnicity and gender are part
of the imago Dei. Aberrant sexual preferences (be they homosexual or heterosexual) are part of the imago hominis. GAY CANNOT
BE THE NEW BLACK any more than being a smoker can be the new tall or being a Cardinals fan can be the new masculinity. One
doesn’t require the other because, to borrow Aristotelian terms, one is an accidental property (aberrant sexual choices)
unrelated to the essence/substance of a person (gender or ethnicity). So while a person may be environmentally influenced
toward homosexuality (like I was to Cardinalism) he/she is not inherently predisposed to it. This despite the gallant and
unsuccessful scientific efforts to identify a “gay gene.”
The Great Offenders And The Gold Plaited Turds
Hold Down The Shift Key, Click Here, Then Minimize To Sing Karaoke To The New Lyrics Below
If You Need Help
Singing This Or Just Wanna Hear Someone Else Singing This Song, Scroll To The Bottom Of The Song And Click Link.
New And Improved Lyrics By Bj Maxwell
Thankyou Lord For This Gift
Feel Free To Post Unaltered Anywhere.
Formerly 'The Great Pretender' Sung By The Platters And Also Later By Freddy Mercury
Of Queen.
Old Lyrics In ' '
New Lyrics In Black
Links In Green
New Lyrics:
The Great Offenders:

'Oh yes, They're The Great Offenders
(Pooh, Pooh)
'Exchanging' The Plain Truth For A Gown.
(Pooh, Pooh)
(Romans 1:19,20-'Plain'.)

Pretending To See, When God Disagrees
Inside Something They Can't Keep Down

Oh yes, They're The Great Offenders
Lost In Lusts Of Their Own
(Ro. 1:18,21,25-28)
They Replace Plain Sense, With Their Own Nonsense.
(Romans 1:25-27)
God Told Them, They'll Reap What They've Sown.
(Romans 1:19,20)
Revealed Are Their Feelings Of Unbelief
Romans One Says Their Sin Causes God The Most Grief
(Romans 1:18-32)
(Know Them By Their Fruit)
Oh yes, They're The Great Offenders
Mocking And Risque Deep Down
(Romans 1)
Pretending To Believe What God Decrees
Inside Something Lewd And Unsound
Pretending God'll Come Around
Yeah, Poo, Poo

Revealed When They Show
What Their Shell Can't Conceal.

Revealed From Within Something Icky And Brown
Oh yes, They're the Great Offenders
Mocking And Risque Deep Down
Exchanging God's Word For Gold Plaited Turds
(Ro. 1:23,25,26-Exchanging)
And A White Robe For A Drag Queens Gown.

Pretending That God ...
Pretending That God'll Come Around
~End Of Song~
New Lyrics By Bj Maxwell
To Hear The Rap Version Of This Song, Hold Down The Shift Key, Click Here, Then Minimize.
Copyright ©
"The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness
of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because
God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power
and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking
became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged
the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. 24 Therefore God
gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.
25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--who
is forever praised. Amen.
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts.
Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned
natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and
received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. 28 Furthermore, since they did not think it
worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29 They
have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit
and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil;
they disobey their parents;
31 they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32 Although they know God's righteous decree that those
who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice
them." (Romans 1)
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of
God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And BE
NOT CONFORMED TO THIS WORLD: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and
acceptable, and perfect, will of God." (Romans 12:1,2)
Your Name Will Be Written In The Anals Of History With The Great Conformers
(Not Reformers) If:
1) You've Been Invited To Butt Talk (Pronounced Buttock),
A Talk Show That Confronts Christian Conformers And Heretics Who By Being Anal,
Petty And Effeminately Correct Take The Whole Body Down The Toilet With Them, Hosted By Cindy The
Crosseyed Christian Commentator And Critic.
(The Title Of This Show And Photo Used With Permission From Cindy The Crosseyed
To Find Out What Made Her Crosseyed Read On.
2) You're Still Wearing Diapers And Drinking Out Of A Milk
Bottle (So To Speak) Though You've Been A 'Christian' For Over Twenty Years. (Hebrews 5:11-14)

3) You Are Countering The Christian
Counter Culture Of The Seventies By Singing Only Christian Luv Songs That Bypass The Brain, In An Effeminately High Pitch
With Legs Tightly Crossed. Like 'Point Of Grace' But With Men Who Are Masculinely Challenged. (1 Corinthians 6:9,10)
4) You Thought Becoming All Things To All People Meant Becoming Exactly Like The
Wicked People You're Trying To Reach, Then In Effect Showing There Is No Reason For Them To Convert. (Hebrews 4:15; 1 Thessalonians 5:22,23)
5) Whenever You're Given A Chance To Share
Christ, You Talk About Politics Or 401K's Instead, While Forgetting The Greatest Retirement Plan In The Universe. (1 Corinthians 2:9,10)
6) You Really Like Those That Can Talk
About Spiritual Sounding And Soothing Things Without Using Scripture Or Even Breakin A Sweat. (2 Timothy 3:5-7)
7) You Think The Reformers Were Too Biblical
And Your More Kinder And Genteel Ministry Will Neutralize Everything They Have Done.
8) You Have Conformed And Been So Compromised
That You Make Even Jesus Hurl.
"I have known thy works, that neither
cold art thou nor hot; I would thou wert cold or hot. 16 So -- because thou art lukewarm,
and neither cold nor hot, I am about to VOMIT thee out of my mouth; 17 because thou sayest -- I am rich, and have grown rich,
and have need of nothing, and hast not known that thou art the wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked..."
(Revelation 3)
For Our Genteel And Polite Folk The Word Is 'Spue' Pronounced With Lips
In A Pucker Formation.
9) You're Sustenance Comes Through A Straw
Because You Cannot Handle It Any Other Way. (Lips Also Puckered)
10) In Your Attempts To Be Like Moses
(Jewish Wannabe), Not Jesus,The Circumscissor Took Off A Little Too Much Off The Top, Now Your Name Is Golda.
11) You Thought 'Christianity' Was A Game
Show So You Asked For Front Seats, Now You're Crying For Your Mommy.
12) The Reformers Believed 'Sola Fide'
And 'Sola Scriptura' You Believe In 'Oh Solo Mio' -Its Only Me
13) You Still Cannot Figure Out Why A
Constant Diet Of Milk Has Produced The Same Kind Of Crap Over And Over.

Dung For Our Genteel Friends: (Philippians 3:7,8)
14) Your Wife Now Wears The Pants And Guides
The Spiritual Affairs Of The House, And You Look Quite Purdy In That Dress. 'The Woman You Gave Me Made Me Wear It.'

15) Me, Myself And Irene Is Your Schizoid
Approach To Ministry To Feel Others Pain.
16) Cindy Turned Crosseyed When She
Heard What You Believed And The Unscripturally Girly, Hypocritically Illogical And Oxymoronic Way You Came To Those Conclusions.
17) Your Replacing Of 'Ego', 'Super Ego'
And Id', With 'Adult', 'Parent' And Child' Has Made You A Conformer Not A Reformer.
'O, Be Some Other Name! What's In A Name? That Which We Call A Rodent By Any Other
Name Would Stink Just As Much.... I Smell A Rat....'
18) Having A Worldly Dad Wasn't
Enough Now You Want A Spiritual Sugar Daddy That Will Tell You What The Scriptures Really Mean And Where You Can Send Your
Spiritual Love Gifts And Never Mind The Intense Smell Of Sulphur. (Matthew 23:8-12)
19) You Think That Replacing Gluttony Of
Excess With 'Gluttony Of Delicacy' Has Made You A Real Pioneer Of The Faith, Despite The Fact That Millions Of Unbelievers
Have Done The Same.
Screwtape Letters, Gluttony Of Delicacy
20) You're Banking Your Destiny And Image On The Hope That Christ Forgot To Say Some Things And Left Enough Space Between The Lines For You To Interject Thoughts Making
It More Compatible With Your Way Of Thinkin. (Acts 20:27-30; 2 Timothy 3:16,17)
21) In An Attempt To Reach The Postmodern
World You've Changed Fact (God And His Word), Faith And Feelings To Feelings, Faith And Don't Confuse Me With The Facts.

"If you must analyze, then look at me, look at the musicians and singers, look
at the congregation, look at the person to the left of you and to the right of you, and just analyze, analyze, analyze
get it out of your system. Now let yourselves go: don't even think about what you are doing, forget about those around you
and what they are doing. Release your mind release your spirit and let the mighty river of the "Holy Ghost" take you wherever
He wants you to go." (Revival ... or Satanic Counterfeit?, Jimmy Robbins, 1996)"
22) You Think That 'Girly Man' Is A Term
Of Endearment Used To Describe Your Versatality Of Ministry.
23) You Come With A Built In Default Feature That Filters
Out Any Scriptural Argument That Would Persuade You To Be Like Christ. It's Called Christian Conformer 5.0
24) You've Latched On To Aspects Of 'Christianity' That Allow
You To Bypass Loving The Lord With Your Mind And Sound Doctrine, Such As Modern Christian Music, Listening
To Glenn Beck Lie And Cry, False Spirits, And Being A Modern Day Pastor Of A Church. (Acts 17:11)
False Spirits Invading The Church:
However, Crosseyed Cindy Is Relieved To Hear That There Are Still A Few Christians
Out There Somewhere That Are Still Reading Their Bibles, Praying And Obeying God.
Don't Forget My Other Messages:
Are You A 'Super-Apostle'?: Take This Simple Test
You're A Lukewarm Christian If You:
You Might Be An Illegal Immigrant Or His/Her Enabler If :
You're A Cookie Cutting, Half Truth Wielding Theologian Of The Worst Kind If You:
You Are A Hypocritically Illogical, Oxymoronic, And/Or Non Sequitur If You:
You're A Militant Muslim Or Enabler If You:
You Deserve A Nobel, Oscar, Emmy Golden Calf Or Degenerate Award If:
You're A Hopeless Liberal If You:
You Are Spiritually Challenged If:
You're A Tweetin, Textin, Bloggin, Tweekin, And Trippin Spiritual Junk Food Junkie If:
You're A Jewish Counter Missionary If You:
You're An Undercover Christian If You:
If The Three Don't Always Agree Then The Two Most Surely Will Do.
Time To Clean Off Your Tennis Shoes When:
You're A Replacement Theologian If:
Bj Maxwell
Copyright ©
I Don't Think You Will Find Any Instance Where I Said That Despite The Facts And Despite The
Scripture, I'm Not Going To Believe In Spiritual Gifts And The Present Day Move Of God. I'm Open To Any Act
Of God And Eagerly Hope For It.
In That Being Said, I Do Expect Scripture To Support Such Events If They Were And Are In Fact
Of God.
The Noble Bereans Were Commended Not Just For Determining Whether The Apostle Paul And His Ministry
Conflicted With OT Scripture i.e. Was 'Allowed' But Whether 'These Things Were So.' (Acts 17)
"Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians,
for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the SCRIPTURES every
"Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my
gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the REVELATION OF THE MYSTERY, which was kept secret since the world
began , 26 But NOW IS MADE MANIFEST , and BY THE SCRIPTURES OF THE PROPHETS, according to the commandment of the everlasting
God, MADE KNOWN TO ALL NATIONS for the obedience of faith: 27 To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ for ever. Amen
." (Romans 16)
Not Only Was What Paul Was Doing Allowed (Not Contradicted Scripture) But Was Specifically Spoken
Of In The OT Scriptures To Be Approved.
But The Things That Some Are Promoting Is,
Banking On The Hope That Christ Forgot
To Say Some Things And Left Enough Space Between The Lines For Him To Interject To Make It More Compatible With His Way Of
Thinkin. (Acts 20:27-30; 2 Timothy 3:16,17)
Has Changed Faith, Facts And Feelings To Feelings, Faith And Don't Confuse Me With The Facts.
Now, I've Tagged And Asked Don To Defend The Book He Published Called 'God Mockers'.
I've Provided Short Quotes, And He Says:
"I am sorry, I d not
have time to read entire articles. I am reviewing entire manuscripts and running a business. That is not to say the articles
are noit important, i just need very short statements so I can read lots of views in a few minutes."
Now Maybe I Don't Deserve To Walk In The Same General Area As He Does But Paul Says:
"And these things,
brethren, I have in a figure transferred to myself and to Apollos for your sakes; that ye might learn in us NOT TO THINK OF
MEN ABOVE THAT WHICH IS WRITTEN, that no one of you be puffed up for one against another. 7 For who maketh thee to differ from another? and what hast thou that thou didst not receive ? now if thou didst receive it, why dost
thou glory , as if thou hadst not received it?" (1 Cor. 4)
Now How Does That Make Sense That One Has The Time To Review New Transcripts For Books But Not
Defend The Old Transcripts Which He Approved And Published..i.e., The God Mockers?
Certainly Don, Has Heard These Questions Before And Has Already Given Some Kind Of Answer. Why
Couldn't He Repost Something Dealing With That. Now Unless He's Been Ignoring These Questions Since the Beginning I Should
Expect A Repost.
I Typed In 'God Mockers' And Came Up With Three Articles Quite Persuasive In Their Critique Of
That Book And The So Called 'Toronto Blessing'
Don's Silence On The Subject Concerns Me And Tells Me He Might Not Have A Defense.
Since When Is Using Scripture A Purely Intellectual Pursuit?
Christ Says That His Words Are Spirit. (John 6:63)
Christ Commands Us To Love The Lord With All We Are, Including Our Mind.
Steve Hill, The Author Of The God Mockers And Published By Don Allegedly Says:
"If you must analyze, then look at me, look at the musicians and singers, look at the congregation,
look at the person to the left of you and to the right of you, and just analyze, analyze, analyze get it out of your system.
Now let yourselves go: don't even think about what you are doing, forget about those around you and what they are doing.
Release your mind release your spirit and let the mighty river of the "Holy Ghost" take you wherever He wants you to go."
(Revival ... or Satanic Counterfeit?, Jimmy Robbins, 1996)"
This Is What Cult Leaders Say To Their
Imagine The Apostle Paul Saying Such Things To Those Who Question What Is Happening.
"Imagine with me for a moment the Apostle Paul arriving in Berea and there he finds some that
insist his message pass muster as found in Scripture. Imagine Paul, touting apostolic authority, lashing out against them,
calling them God Mockers and in danger of blaspheming the Holy Spirit simply because they checked him out with the Holy Scripture.
Paul was an inspired Spirit anointed Apostle (somewhat outranking current revivalists) but he never stooped to such crass
spiritual intimidation tactics. Brown moves on to shame those who will not accept his views. He states:
"Of course
– how pathetic! The critics continue to raise their voices and attack those things of which they are ignorant. But what
would revival be like without the critics? (That’s similar to asking what the Gospels would be without the Pharisees.)
… What would you expect? Birds fly, fish swim, liars lie, and critics criticize." 7 "
I'm Certainly Open To The Move Of God And Apostles Today, Maybe That Will Get Us Out Of The Hole We've Dug
For Ourselves, But The Move Of God Is Supported By Scripture And God Is Moving Today. However, That Doesn't Automatically
Make The Any Movement Such A Move Of God.
Scripture Says It Is The Standard By Which To Critique Things And this Will Make Us Thoroughly
Furnished Unto Every Good Work. (2 Timothy 3:16,17)
Need I Ask How Thorough Thorough Is, And How Inclusive 'Every Good Work' Is?
Noah And Abraham Didn't Have Scripture To Test The Spirits With.
"After citing a quote from the New York Times stating that Brownsville and similar places are
good for America, Nori makes the following comment:
'It seems the secular media is more willing to see God do the miraculous than our religious
brethren. Could it be that these brethren reject fruit-proof because there is no confirming fruit proof in their own ministries?"
Now We Need to Be Concerned When What Is Happening Is More Accepted By The World Than It Is By
Believers. Since When Does the World Accept Moves Of God?
Another Quote:
''Right now across America, groups of pastors and church denominational leaders are openly mocking
the move of God across the nation! If you haven't noticed, God mockers tend to hang out with other God mockers. They not only
hang out with their own kind, but they will even feed on one another like spiritual carnivores. Once they find a likely body
for prey, they will happily gather in circles like buzzards to eat it. These God mockers are writing 'position papers' about
external physical manifestations while totally ignoring the deeper work of God that is saving hundreds of thousands of souls
and permanently changing lives. They pompously declare, 'Well, that isn't God,' and sign declarations of mockery for 'distribution
to the brethren' for their 'education'... while many of their church congregations continue to dwindle year after year.''
(Brownsville Revival's Steve Hill)
Here's Some More Threats Against Those That Expect Scriptural Support For Alleged Moves Of God:
The God Mockers Here.