Simply Can't Change Your Chromosomes That Way

Original Songwriter: SIMON, PAUL (Not Simeon)
New Lyrics By Bj Maxwell
Tune 'Kodachrome'
Thanks To The Resident Atheists At The KHOW Facebook Page, i.e., Frank Wetz, Tim Carrier, Manny Goldstein, Scott Schiable And Denise Spinster, For Motivating Me To Finish This
Thankyou Lord For This Gift
Feel Free To Post Unaltered Anywhere.
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To Sing Along With Bondzo, Hold Down The Shift Key, Click Here, Then Minimize.
To Karaoke Do The Same But Click Here.
To Get Bond-Zo's Help In Singing This Song Scroll To The End Of The Song, Click Link.
New Lyrics:
Can't Help But Laugh At Pictographs

Man Places Near My Stall

Makes Me Wonder If Humans Think At All
Pictures Of Evil-ution Hasn't Changed This Bond-Zo None

(Jerry 13:23)
I Don't Need Man's Theories On My Walls


It Makes Man A Different Order
God Says Forty Six In Number

(John 2:19-21)
But Man Did Bad And Threw God's Word Away, Dumb Man!
They Have Their Movie Cameras

And Just Want My Photograph

But Still Can't Take Two Chromosomes Away
(Jerry 13:23)
If You Took All The Chimps I Knew While In The Jungle

And Got Them All Together For Insight

(Frank N Clowns: Frank Wetz/Tim Carrier/Manny Goldstein/Denise Spinster)
"I know they'd never match"
Man's Wis-er Calculations

Says Man's In God's Image, In Black And White (Gen. 1:26,27)


It Makes Man A Different Order
God Says Forty Six In Number (John 2:19-21)
But They Did Bad And Threw God's Word Away, Dumb Man!

(Tim Carrier/Frank Wetz/Manny Goldstein, Scott Schiable, Denise Spinster.)
They Have Their Movie Cameras
And Just Want Bond-Zos Photograph

Still Doesn't Make Me Sir Sean Connery
(Gen.1:11,12,21,24,25;6:20;7:14;Lev.11:14,15,16,19,22,29;19:19; Deut. 14:13,14,15,18)

'After My Kind' My Chromosomes Obey
(Bonzo-48; Man-46)
(Jerry 13:23)
Can't Change Apes, Chimps Monkeys, There's No Way!!
(Gen.1:11,12,21,24,25;6:20;7:14;Lev.11:14,15,16,19,22,29;19:19; Deut. 14:13,14,15,18)
After One's Kind Their Chromosomes Will Stay.
Simply Can't Change Your Chromosomes (2x)
Simply Can't Change Your Chromosomes That Way

To Hear Bond-Zo Sing This, Hold Down The Shift Key, Click Here, Then Play And Minimize, Then Read New Lyrics Above.
End Of Lyrics
New Lyrics By Bj Maxwell
Copyright ©
10/29/2012; 08/28/2013; 11/16/2013; 06/18/2014
Greek Alphabet:

"Jesus answered them, 'Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.' 20 The Jews replied,
"It has taken FORTY-SIX years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?" 21 But
THE TEMPLE he had spoken of WAS HIS BODY." (John 2)
- Adam - Man = 46 In Greek

In The Old Testament Greek Septuagint. (Genesis 2:20) -And The Greek New Testament,
'Adam' Has A Number Value Of 46
"22 For as IN ADAM (46) all die, so in Christ all will be made alive....45
So it is written: "The first MAN ADAM (46) became a living being"; the last ADAM (46), a life-giving spirit."
(1 Cor. 15:22,45)
In Adam All Die For The First Time. This Shows When The Evolutionist Has To Put The Start Of Evolution, Because
Evolution Depends On 'Survival Of The Fittest' And Death To Start The Process Of Evolution. However, We See
That Man's Number (Chromosomes) Even In The Beginning Was 46 As It Is Today, So Therefore No Evolution Of Man Occured.
In A Nutshell, Man Hasn't Evolved From Monkeys-48, Or Apes-48 From The Beginning And Their Is No Evidence
Of A Common Evolutional Ancestor From Which All Of These Have Come From. However, God Is The Creator Of All, And 'After Their
Kind' They Will Stay.
For Fun Work Out The Number Value Of 'Adam' In English Using The Same Numbering System. It Also
Works Out To 46.
"Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots? Neither can you do good who
are accustomed to doing evil." (Jeremiah 13:23)
For Those That Claim That Evolution Doesn't Teach Monkey Or Ape To
Man Evolution, Here Are The Following Quotes:
"He said nothing about ape to human evolution, but his categorization of humans with the apes certainly encouraged later
naturalists to think of the two as related by descent. As early as 1794, the philosophe Delisle de Sales (Histoire philosophique
du monde primitif) commented that the apes "seem to form an intermediate line between animals and human beings."
"At the other end of the spectrum, some — far from separating humans and apes — suggested that apes were not
intrinsically different from human beings. In particular, James Burnett, Lord Monboddo argued at length (Of the Origin and
Progress of Language, 1774, vol. II, book 2) for the idea that apes were merely wild variants of human beings."
"Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829), however — a former soldier who had been decorated for bravery — seems to
have been the first naturalist with the nerve to propose publicly and explicitly that human beings had evolved from apes (Philosophie
zoologique, 1809):
Certainly, if some race of apes, especially the most perfect among them, lost, by necessity of circumstances, or some other
cause, the habit of climbing trees and grasping branches with the feet, … , and if the individuals of that race, over
generations, were forced to use their feet only for walking and ceased to use their hands as feet, doubtless … these
apes would be transformed into two-handed beings and … their feet would no longer serve any purpose other than to walk."