A Critique Of Catholic And KJV Only Thinking, Right Below Song.

If Three Agree
Formerly, 'Let It Be', By Paul McCartney And John Lennon
New Lyrics By Bj Maxwell
Thankyou Lord For This Gift
Feel Free To Post Unaltered Anywhere.
Old Lyrics In ' '
New Lyrics In Black
Links In Green
Hold Down The Shift Key, Click Here, Then Minimize To Sing New Lyrics With Music.
If You Need Help Singing, Scroll To The Bottom Of This Song, Click Link And Little Billy
Will Help You Sing The New Lyrics.
If Three Agree

(How To Properly Study, Translate, Validate And Interpret
The Word Of God.)
New Lyrics:
(21 Clicks Or 15 Seconds To Sing)
When Somebody Tells You, Their Translation Is Done Error
Show Them The Whole Story, When Three Agree (Compare Translations)
And In The Time Of Her Confusion, (Luke 1:34,35,38)

Here Am I Said Sweet Mary

According To Your Word, Let It Be (Luke 1:38)

Christmas Eve, You Can Read Bout Mary And J.C

These Truths Confirms Themselves, In Twos And Threes.

And When The Cath-o-holics Tell You,

It's Their B.-I.-B.-L.-E.
Just Say No, It Came First Century.

(Father, Son, And Holy Spirit; At Least Three Codexes; Dead Sea Scrolls, Septuagint And Maz
Text; Jews, Christians, Catholics; Four Gospels; Two Councils, Consensus First, Councils Next; And One God And Persons Three-Link)
Second Pete And Timothy
Chapters Three And Verse Sixteen (2 Pete 3:16; 2 Timothy 3:16)

Paul's Words Are Scripture, So Says Pete.
(2 Tim. 2:15-17; 3:16,17)

Two Or Three, We Can See, More Clearly, In 3,D
The Truth Confirms Itself, When Three Agree.
One God, Persons Three, The Trinity Does Agree. Not I, Myself And Me, When Three Agree
Instrumental: (When
Electric Guitar Rendition Ends And Depressed Back Up Singers Start Singing Again, Continue Singing Lyrics Below) 
Two Or Three, We Can See, More Clearly, In 3,D
The Truth Confirms Itself, If Three Agree
And When The KJV People,

Test All Things With KJV
(Acts 17:10-12)

Use The Divine Method, If Three Agree.
So If Your Looking For Some Answers,
Read The Books About J.C.

God's Truth Comes In Clusters By Twos And Threes.

Two Or Three, We Can See, More Clearly, In 3,D

The Truth Confirms Itself, If Three Agree.
If Three Just Don't Agree Then The Two Will Surely Do.
The Truth Confirms Itself, If Three Agree.
(2 Tim. 2:15-17; 3:16,17)

New Lyrics By Bj Maxwell
If You Need Help Singing This Song Hold Down The Shift Key, Click Here, Play, Then Minimize
No I Don't Sound Like McCartney
Copyright ©
11/29/2012 08/15/2014
If Three Just Don't Agree Then The Two Will Surely Do.
New/Old Testament Reference |
New Testament/Septuagint |
Old Testament/Masoretic Text |
Heb 10.5-7/ Psalm 40.6-8 |
"Sacrifices and offerings thou hast not desired;
but a body hast thou prepared for me" |
Sacrifice and offering thou dost not desire; but
thou hast given me an open ear |
More Here.
"By The Mouth Of Two Or Three Witnesses A Word Shall Be Established."-Validated,
Interpreted And Translated. (Throughout The Bible In Verse And Deed)
(Numbers 35:30;Deut 17:6;Deut 19:15 ;Hebrews 10:28; 2 Cor. 13:1;1Tim
"And When The KJV People,
Test All Things With KJV (Acts 17:10-12)
Use The Divine Method, If Three Agree."
(If Three Agree)
KJV Only Folks Ignore The Bibles Repeated Commands To Establish A Word 'Through The Mouth Of Two Or Three
Witnesses' And Wrongly Replace It With, 'By The Mouth Of One KJV Text' A Word Shall Be Established.
To Them KJV Is Perfect And Everything Else Is To Be Tested By That.
Here's Just One Example, The KJV Includes Verses 9-20 In Mark Sixteen, But More Modern Translations Which Use More Ancient Texts And More Of Them Says That These Verses Are Not In The More Ancient
Manuscript Copies.
According To Aunt Sally's Recipe Below, We Should Go For What All The Texts Have In Common Not Just
The Text That KJV Based Their Translation On.
Now Lets See If The KJV's Inclusion Of This Passage Is Confirmed By The Witness Of Scripture Itself.
Next To Whatever Is In CAPS, Are The Scriptures That CONTRADICT That Verse
"Now when Jesus was rise nearly the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom
he had casts even devils. 10 And she went and told them that had been with him, as they mourned and wept . 11 And they, when
they had heard that he was alive , and had been seen of her, believed not . 12 After that he APPEARED IN ANOTHER FORM (Luke 24:38-44; John 20:27-31) unto two of them, as they walked , and went into the country. 13 And they went and
told it unto the residue: neither believed they them. 14 Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat , and upbraided
them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen . 15
And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 HE THAT BELIEVETH AND IS BAPTIZED
SHALL BE SAVED (John 3:16; Acts 16:31; Eph. 2:8) ; but he that believeth not shall be damned. 17 And THESE SIGNS SHALL FOLLOW THEM
THAT BELIEVE; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall SPEAK WITH NEW TONGUES (Many
KJV Folks Don't Believe Tongues Are For Today) ; 18 They shall TAKE UP SERPENTS (Dumb
Rattlesnake Handlers In The Ozarks) ; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall layhands
on the sick, and they shall recover. 19 So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat
on the right hand of God. 20 And they went forth , and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the
word with signs following . Amen." (Mark 16:9-20)
Jesus Didn't Appear In Another Form, But In The Same Form/Body He Was Crucified
In, Baptism Isn't Required For Salvation, Most KJV Onlyists Don't Believe In Tongues, So These Added Verses Contradict Scripture
Elsewhere, So These Words Are Not Established By Two Or Three Witnesses, And In Fact Are Rejected By Other Witnesses And The
Scripture And Manuscript Copies Show That The KJV Is Not Even Close To Being A Perfect Translation, And We Must Study And
Compare, Hear The Witnesses, To Come To A Full Understanding Of What God Says, Not Just Read KJV.
I Would Love To Have Fellowship With Folks That Believe This Way, But They Often Make Agreeing With Them
On This A Condition Of Fellowship.
I Spent The First Twenty Years Of My Walk Debating KJV Onlyists To No Avail. Not
That I Wasn't Presenting Good Arguments, But Because There Is a Narrow Tunnel Vision That Comes With This Kind Of Thinking.
Jack Chick Has It, And There's No Getting Through To Them.
One Of Many Assumptions They Make Is That The KJV Is The
Standard By Which To Judge Everything Else. For Example:
The Father, Son And Holy Spirit Being One In 1 Jn. 5:7, Is
In The KJV But Not Modern Translations Therefore The KJV Is Right And The Modern Translations Are Wrong.
Who Determined The KJV The Arbitrator Over All Translations?
I Can Show Where The NIV Does
A Better Job Of Translating The Text, Including The KJV Text Than The KJV Does And Proves The Deity Better While The
KJV Misses That.
The Nestles Interlinear Greek In The KJV Says:
18 No man hath seen God at any time; THE ONLY
BEGOTTEN SON, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.
The NIV:
18 No one has ever seen God,
but GOD THE ONE AND ONLY, WHO IS AT THE FATHER'S SIDE, has made him known.
In The Nestles Greek Interlinear Which Uses KJV Text And Under The Greek It Says Under Monoleges Theos: 'The Only
Begotten God'
So The NIV Translators Did A Better Job Of Translating The Text Than The KJV Translators Did.
Aunt Sally's Recipe
How Can the Bible Be Trusted If It Was Written by Men?
By Greg Koukl
"Second, this is circular reasoning. If there’s good evidence the Bible can be trusted, then the issue
of man’s involvement is moot. A simple question illustrates this: "Are you suggesting with this objection that if God
does exist, He’s not capable of writing what He wants through imperfect men?" This is hard to affirm. If the answer
is "No," then the objection vanishes. If the answer is yes, then ask, "Did you ever own a dog? Could you get your dog to sit?
If you can get a dumb dog to sit, what makes you think an all-powerful God can’t get a man to write just what He wants
him to?" If you first establish that the Biblical record can be trusted, then the second problem—human involvement is
irrelevant. If God inspires it then it doesn’t matter if men or monkeys did the writing; they’ll still write exactly
what God intends.
Another way of stating it: God can’t err; the Bible is God’s Word; therefore, the Bible can’t err, even
if men are involved."Pretend your Aunt Sally has a dream in which she learns the recipe for an elixir that would continuously
maintain her youth. When she wakes up, she scribbles the directions on a scrap of paper, then runs into the kitchen to make
up her first glass. In a few days her appearance is transformed. Sally is a picture of radiant youth because of her daily
dose of what comes to be known as "Aunt Sally's Secret Sauce." (How Can The Bible Be Trusted)
"Pretend your Aunt Sally has a dream in which she learns the recipe for an elixir that would continuously
maintain her youth. When she wakes up, she scribbles the directions on a scrap of paper, then runs into the kitchen to make
up her first glass. In a few days her appearance is transformed. Sally is a picture of radiant youth because of her daily
dose of what comes to be known as "Aunt Sally's Secret Sauce."
Sally is so excited she sends hand-written instructions to her three bridge partners (Aunt Sally is still
in the technological dark ages--no photocopier) giving detailed instructions on how to make the sauce. They, in turn, make
copies which each sends to ten of her own friends.
All is going well until one day Aunt Sally's pet schnauzer eats the original copy of the recipe. Sally is
beside herself. In a panic she contacts her three friends who have mysteriously suffered similar mishaps. Their copies are
gone, too, so the alarm goes out to their friends in attempt to recover the original wording.
They finally round up all the surviving hand-written copies, twenty-six in all. When they spread them out
on the kitchen table, they immediately notice some differences. Twenty-three of the copies are exactly the same. One has a
misspelled word, though, one has two phrases inverted ("mix then chop" instead of "chop then mix") and one includes an ingredient
that none of the others has on its list.
Here is the critical question: Do you think Aunt Sally can accurately reconstruct her original recipe? Of
course she could. The misspelled words can easily be corrected, the single inverted phrase can be repaired, and the extra
ingredient can be ignored.
Even with more numerous or more diverse variations, the original can still be reconstructed with a high
level of confidence given the right textual evidence. The misspellings would be obvious errors, the inversions would stand
out and easily be restored, and the conclusion drawn that it's more plausible that one word or sentence be accidentally added
to a single copy than omitted from many.
This, in simplified form, is how the science of textual criticism works. Textual critics are academics who
reconstruct a missing original from existing manuscripts that are generations removed from the autograph. According to New
Testament scholar F.F. Bruce, "Its object [is] to determine as exactly as possible from the available evidence the original
words of the documents in question."[2]
The science of textual criticism is used to test all documents of antiquity--not just religious texts--including
historical and literary writings. It's not a theological enterprise based on haphazard hopes and guesses; it's a linguistic
exercise that follows a set of established rules. Textual criticism allows an alert critic to determine the extent of possible
corruption of any work." (Aunt Sally's Recipe)
How To Tell Whether You Are Majoring On man Or On God
If The Three Don't Always Agree Then The Two Most Surely Will Do.
"By The Mouth Of Two Or Three Witnesses A Word Shall Be Established." (Numbers 35:30;Deut 17:6;Deut 19:15 ;Hebrews 10:28; 2 Cor. 13:1;1Tim 5:19)
All The Rest Is Extrabiblical Nonsense.
More Links To Come. Your Comments Are Welcome.
Quick Reference Guide:
The Significance Of The Number Three/Trinity:Father, Son, Holy Spirit/Two Or Three Witnesses/1)The Septuagint , 2) The Masoretic Text , 3) The Dead Sea Scrolls
A Holocaust Thou Didst Not Require And A Body Thou Has Prepared 1), 2), 3)/Quality Of Witnesses Important Too 1),2), 3)/Imago Dei/Trinity And Trichotomy-Body, Soul And Spirit/Confirming Texts 1),2),3), The Treatment Of Prophets And Non Profits Versus Profits 1st Witness , 2), 3) /Old Testament 1) The Septuagint , 2) The Masoretic Text , 3) The Dead Sea Scrolls , Tanakh/Genesis 1), 2), 3)/Exodus 1),2), 3)/Yeshua 1), 2), 3)/Apocryphal Books 1),2)/Bible Interprets And Validates Itself 1), 2),3)/Three Corroborating Witnesses 1),2)/The Psalms 1),2),3)/Non Contradiction1),2),3) /Lost Books 1),2),3)/Enoch Who? 1),2)/New Testament 1), 2)/Gospel Accounts 1),2),3)/Teachings Of Christianity Predate Judaism 1) /Judas 1),/Gospel Of Barnabas 1), 2) /Ode To Billy Joe 1),2),3)/Book Of Mormon (Plagiarism Not Witness- 1),2),3), /Origin Of Species 1),2),3)/When Minority Rules 1),2)
You Major On Man And Minor On 'God' When You:
1) Are Offended When One
Expects You To Use The Bible When Discussing Biblical Topics. (Isaiah 55:11)
2) Believe The Bible, 'In
So Far As It Is Correctly Translated', Which Means It Doesn't Contradict Your Preconceived Notions, Inclinations, Sinful Tendencies
Or Your More Modern Religious Books. (Romans 1:18,19,25)
3) Think That Tradition
And Scripture Spring From 'The Same Well Spring', And Tradition Is Equal To Scripture. (Catholic
Catechism On Tradition; Matthew 15:1-9)
4) Have Been Using The
Words Of Men For So Long That You're Shocked When Someone Notices. (Isaiah 29:13)
5) Cannot Join Other Christians
In Ministry To Errant Groups Because The Errant Ones Would Quickly Point
Out That You Don't Rely On The Bible Either. (Romans 2:1-3)
6) Take Eight
Years To Get A Degree That Would Have Taken A Third Of The Time Had You Listened To God Rather Than Men. (2 Timothy 3:7)
7) Your Faith Is Based
On Nothing Less Than Tra-di-tion And Josephus. (2 Timothy 3:16,17)
8) Make Biblical Passages
Figurative Whenever They Conflict With Your Other Books. (Matthew 18:1-6)
9) Your B.S. Degree Came After Being Able To Expend Twice the Energy And Words To Dismiss
The Plain Sense Of Scripture Rather Than Just Believing It, Your B.A. Degree From Your Bull-Leave Ability Pronounced Be-liev-a-bility,
Interpreted Is, Your Ability To Leave Bull-Only Or Baloney For Brevity. Your M.S. Degree Through Your Ability To Keep It Going
With More of the Same. M.A. Being More Able Than B.4. Then Finally Awarded The Highest Honor Due To Your Exceptional Ability To
'Pile It High And Deep.' (P.H.D.). (1 Timothy 4:1-6)
The Europeans Have This Perfected In What Is Called
the Bologna Process Here.
10) Think That Anyone That
Uses The English Language, A Dictionary Or A Bible
Translation Is No Better Than Those That Use The Words Of Commentators Rather Than Scripture. (1 John 5:13)
12) Think That If You Use
Polysyllabic Words To Explain Or Refute A Spiritual Topic That People Will Forget That You Didn't Use Gods Words At All. (2 Corithians 10:3-5)
13) Really Think That Finite
Man Is Better At Explaining The Infinite God Than God Is.
14) You Think That You And Others Can Rightly Guestimate What The Essence
Of Scripture Is Saying And Offer Only Your Own Paraphrase. (1 John 5:7-9)
15) You're Getting It Piled
High And Deep (P.H.D.) In The Words Of Men Because You Know People Will Then Be More Impressed With Anything You Say. (2 Corinthians 5:14-20)
16) Think That Mans Interpretation
Of General Revelation Explains Special Revelation Rather Than The Other
Way Around. (1 John 5)
17) Believe That No One Will Notice That The Scriptures You Are Using Has Nothing
To Do With The Point You Are Trying To Make.
You Think That God Wasn't Aware Of Just How Politically Incorrect He
Was When He Originally Spoke, And Its Your Job To Make The Necessary Clarifications. (1 John 4:5,6)
19) Agree With The Majority
Of Bible Colleges And Seminaries That Teach The Historical/Hysterical
Method Of Interpretation Which Uses The Fallible To Interpret The Infallible
But Cannot Understand How Homosexuals Are Using The Same Methods To Come To Different Conclusions Here.
20) Major In The Words
Of Men, Because If You Didn't You Would Be Out Of A Job. (Acts 4:12-14)
21) Think That Josephus
Was One Of The Apostles.
22) You Are Willing To Help The Stranger
(Matthew 25) Across The Border And Into A Crack House, But Not Into Your Own House, Which Is What Matt. 25 Is About. Mi Casa
Es No Su Casa.
24) You Think From The
Other End And Are A Firm Believer In But(t) Theology...But...
25) Believe
That Whenever Scripture Points To Yeshua As Messiah, It Must Be A Mistranslation, (Isaiah 29:13) Because The Unbelieving Rabbis Told You So.
27) Think
it is all right for you to pick and choose what to spiritualize or replace in scripture, but the Liberals are not allowed
that same luxury. Hopeless Liberal
30) You Can Make People
Forget That Your Own Monkey Stories About Life Coming From Non Life While Going Eternally Backwards To An Alien For Every Effect, Sounds Much Sillier Than Believing That A Design Needs The Ultimate Designer And A Higher
Power Can Make Something 'Good' In Six Days.
38) You Believe Jesus And Peter Healed All And Want To Heal All But
Ignore The Thorn In Paul's Flesh That God Didn't Take Away. (2 Corinthians 12:7-10)
40) Have A Ministry To SILLY Women Because They Think
They Don't Need Scripture. (2 Tim. 3:6)
41) Are So Focused On Opposing The Evolutional Obamanational Theories Of Left Wing Religion
And Politics That You Get Thousands If Not Millions Of Conservative 'Christians' To Join You, Effectively Putting Their Own
Faith On Hold By Forgetting Your Own Evolutional Theories And The One You're Preparing The Way For. (Take A Breath Now...Gasp!)
42) Think That Arguing From Silence And Inserting Your Own Meanings Into Vague Passages Are Just As Good
Or Better Than The Scriptures Themselves. (2 Peter 3:15,16)
43) Believe The Bible As Long As The Pesky Six Days And Flood Can Be Replaced With Millions Of Years Of
Evolution. (2 Peter 3:5,6)
44) Need Conspiracy Theories Of Lost Books To Keep Your Faith Dynamic And Mysterious.
put on the full armor of God,
so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your
ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist,
with the breastplate of righteousness
in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel
of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit,
which is the word of God. 18
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with
all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep
on praying for all the saints. 19 Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly
make known THE MYSTERY OF THE GOSPEL" (Ephesians 6)
We Need To Always Be On Guard To Ensure We Don't Fall Under One Or More
Of These Points.
More To Come
Bj Maxwell
Copyright ©
Quick Reference Guide:
The Significance Of The Number Three/Trinity:Father, Son, Holy Spirit/Two Or Three Witnesses/1)The Septuagint , 2) The Masoretic Text , 3) The Dead Sea Scrolls
A Holocaust Thou Didst Not Require And A Body Thou Has Prepared 1), 2), 3)/Quality Of Witnesses Important Too 1),2), 3)/Imago Dei/Trinity And Trichotomy-Body, Soul And Spirit/Confirming Texts 1),2),3), The Treatment Of Prophets And Non Profits Versus Profits 1st Witness , 2), 3) /Old Testament 1) The Septuagint , 2) The Masoretic Text , 3) The Dead Sea Scrolls , Tanakh/Genesis 1), 2), 3)/Exodus 1),2), 3)/Yeshua 1), 2), 3)/Apocryphal Books 1),2),3)/Bible Interprets And Validates Itself 1), 2),3)/Three Corroborating Witnesses 1),2),3)/Evidence For Divine Authorship Versus Historical 1),2),3)/A Perfect Translation? 1),2),3)/The Psalms 1),2),3)/Non Contradiction1),2),3) /Lost Books 1),2),3)/Enoch Who? 1),2),3)/New Testament 1), 2), 3) /Gospel Accounts 1),2),3)/Teachings Of Christianity Predate Judaism 1) 2),3)/Judas 1),2),3)/Gospel Of Barnabas 1), 2), 3) /Ode To Billy Joe 1),2),3)/Progressive Revelation 1),2),3)/Book Of Mormon (Plagiarism Not Witness- 1),2),3), Urantia Book 1),2),3), Quran 1),2),3), etc/Origin Of Species Or Feces 1),2),3)/When Minority Rules 1),2),3)/Resurrection Factor 1),2), 3)