'Sin Differently', To The Tune 'Faithfully'
Sung Originally By Journey
Lyrics By Bj Maxwell
Bout Those That Say, 'Don't Judge Me, Just Because I Sin Differently.' Try It Karaoke Style, Hold Down The Shift Key, Click Here, Minimize And Sing Lyrics Below.
To Hear Hitler Say It, Scroll To The Bottom Of The Song And Click Link.
Ending By Cynthia On Hitler's Version.
New Lyrics:
Now 'Sin
Differently' The Train Runs

Boxcars Of Hell, Packed Tight 
'Wheels go round and round'
Guess Who's Inside? 
Useless Jews Millions Of Gentiles Too Judge Not Or Be Judged (John 7:24) This Bloods On You (Matt. 27:24-26) They Say That This Hole 'Ain't
no place to start a family'
'Right down the line' They're Sure To Go
If You're Not Speckless, Don't Take These Logs From Me (Matt. 7:5,6)
 Oh, World, Don't Judge Me ...No, No!! Just
Because I Sin Differently
Nazi Town
 Some Call Us Gomers Pile (Eze. 38:6) You
All Need Us Clowns 
And We Got Style
'Through space and time' Lots Of TV
'Wondering' What I Am 
What Made Me Blow? And Playing The Best Part. 'Ain't easy on this'
Blood 'affair' Then Learned The Way To God Is Through This Jew 'I get the joy of'Finally Meeting You There. Lord
Oye, Love This Goy 
Cause I've Always Sinned Differently Whooa, oh-oh-ooh, oh Outside Your Doors Differently I'm Not Yours? Never Yours? Eternally?
No!!!!!!! New Lyrics By Bj Maxwell Copyright © 10/04/2014;
10/06/2014 To Hear Adolph Explain, Hold Down The Shift Key, Click Here, Click Play, Minimize. Surprise Ending By Cynthia.
"5 You hypocrite, FIRST take the PLANK out of your own
eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the SPECK from your brother's eye." (Matt.

Originally 'Faithfully', By Journey
Now, 'Sin Differently'
New Lyrics By Bj Maxwell
To Hear
Margaret Sanger, Founder Of Planned Parenthood Sing, Scroll To The End Of The Song And Click Link.
To Karaoke, Hold Down The Shift Key, Click Link, Click Play, Then Minimize.
New Lyrics:
The Blood Runs

Dumpsters Of Hell, Packed Tight

'Wheels go round and round'
Guess What's Inside?

Stopping Hearts
Millions Of Babies Doomed 
Judge Not Or Be Judged (John 7:24)

It's All Bout You-oo 
Banned Parenthood
Is The Best Place To End Your Baby's Life.
Our Motto Is, From Womb To The Tomb

And Inspirin Those Nazis, Was All I Hoped It Would Be 
Oh, World, Don't Judge Me , No, No!! (Matt. 7:5,6)
Cause I Simply Sinned

The Infirmed And Senile.
We Don't Need Old Towns

'To make us smile' 
You Played Your Part

More Abortion Mills
Wondering Where's Our Heart 
What Makes Us Kill

And Tearing Lives Apart 'Ain't Easy' On My Future Up There

Learned The Kingdom Of God Is For The Child Amazed By The Joy Of The Unborn Taken Up There.

Oops, Lord, Stand By Me Cause At Least I've Sinned Differently
Differently I'm Not Yours? Won't
Be Ever Yours Never Yours Eternally To Hear Margaret Sing This, Click Link, Then Click Play.
https://app.box.com/s/tf332ah1dr45owu50iyj New Lyrics By Bj Maxwell 10/20/2014 Copyright © Judge Rightly (Is Not Some Guys Name)
"Where did we get the notion that men should never judge? Should child-molesters escape condemnation? Should rapists be free
from criticism? Should society refrain from judging those arrested for murder? And why would anyone judge others for judging?
Borrowing characters from C. S. Lewis, imagine this dialogue between a junior demon named Wormwood and
his wicked uncle Screwtape. This fiendish exchange could have occurred a century ago:
Wormwood: Believers have so many weapons at their disposal. It is difficult to neutralize them. It takes
a huge effort just to slow the work of a single Christian.
Screwtape: Your one-on-one approach is inefficient. This is the age of Madison Avenue and mass marketing.
If you can undermine their whole group at once, then you’ve accomplished something.
Wormwood: Unfortunately, I’m not highly productive. In the time it takes me to frustrate one believer,
I could tempt a dozen heathens.
Screwtape: Don’t lose heart, Wormwood. We are implementing a plan to impair the whole Church with
a single ploy.
Wormwood: I don’t see how that will be possible. I see Christians dedicated to warning others
about hell. It’s all I can do just to get one of them distracted for a short time.
Screwtape: We are going to use their Leader’s own words.
Wormwood: No! Please don’t. Don’t even joke about using His words. I can’t take it.
Screwtape: If you’re ever going to grow up to be an effective demon, you’re going to have
to learn to use the Enemy’s words against Him.
Wormwood: It just seems so dangerous. Which words are you going to use?
Screwtape: "Judge not!"
Wormwood: I don’t understand why He would tell them not to judge. That’s confusing. He commanded
His followers to rebuke, admonish, and judge hundreds of times in His Book. And that’s what they’re out there
doing. And I might add, it’s causing me grief.
Screwtape: When their Leader said those words, He was speaking to hypocrites. "Judge not… you
hypocrite," as He said later in the same paragraph.
Wormwood: Yeah, but how are we going to use "Judge not" to neutralize the whole Church?
Screwtape: We’re going to get them to ignore the fact that He was talking to hypocrites. He said
that hypocrites should not judge, at least not until they stop doing the wrong deed themselves. But we’re going to make
them think none of them should judge, ever.
Wormwood: That’s brilliant… if you can pull it off, that is. I mean, if we can get them
to stop judging, then they won’t rebuke the wicked. And they won’t be able to admonish those who are sexually
Screwtape: It is even more brilliant than you realize. If we can seduce Christians into following the
instructions for hypocrites, we will turn them into hypocrites. It’s like government workers who follow foolish rules
so precisely they are transformed from human beings into bureaucrats; drones who mindlessly dispense red tape regardless of
the misfortune they cause. The slave who willingly obeys his master, begins to conform to the master. If believers willingly
submit to an instruction for hypocrites, they will conform to hypocrisy. Eventually, with a little evil luck, we might stop
them from confronting unbelievers altogether because, as you know Wormwood, to confront requires judging. And if they don’t
judge unbelievers, they are hypocrites, professing the Gospel but denying its power.
Wormwood: Ha, ha. I’m excited. When do we start?
Screwtape: Everything is underway already. Just do your part.
Wormwood: And that is…?
Screwtape: Make sure your targets read as little of the Book as possible. Don’t get too worried
if they stick to their favorite twenty cliché verses. But make sure they remain ignorant of most of the Word.
Wormwood: Master, you are brilliant.
Screwtape: You can call me Master if you want, but don’t let the boss hear you.
A lie paralyzed the Church. God warns against "hypocrisy" commanding men to "abhor what is evil" (Rom.
12:9). Yet to abhor evil, someone must first judge evil. Thus, unable to judge, large numbers of Christians become hypocrites
by obeying the Hypocrites Golden Rule. Since the hypocrite doesn’t want to be judged, he judges not, as Jesus said,
"Judge not… you hypocrite" (Mat. 7:1, 5 KJV; Ezek. 16:52). For "judge not" (Mat. 7:1-5) is simply a hypocrites application
of do unto others as you would have them do unto you (Mat. 7:12). "For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged" (Mat.
7:2). Judge others as you would have them do unto you inverted is Judge not if you do not want to be judged."
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