Let It Be
Let Her Be
"By The Mouth Of Two Or Three Witnesses, A Word Shall Be Established."
(Demonstrated Throughout The Bible)
Chords: (G,D, Em, C)
Constructive Criticism By Cynthia Maxwell
Formerly 'Let It Be' McCartney/Lennon
"The 1961 Report of the Register of Copyrights on the General Revision of the U.S. Copyright Law
cites examples of activities that courts have regarded as FAIR USE: "quotation of excerpts in a review or
CRITICISM FOR PURPOSES OF ILLUSTRATION OR COMMENT; quotation of short passages in a scholarly or technical
work, for illustration or clarification of the author’s observations; USE IN A PARODY OF SOME OF THE CONTENT OF THE WORK PARODIED..."
New And Improved Lyrics By Bj Maxwell
Lyrics In Black, Links In Green.
Hold Down The Shift Key, Click Here Then Minimize Music To Sing With New Lyrics Below. To Hear It Sung, Scroll To The Bottom Of The Song And Click
The Link.
New Lyrics Here:
When I find myself in times of trouble,
Em, C
My Lord Jesus Comes To Me.
G, D,C,G
Speaking Truth And Wisdom, Trust In Me. (Proverbs 3:5,6)

G, D And In My Hours of Trial,
Em, C
He's Still Living Here Inside Of Me.
(Romans 8: 38,39; Revelation 3:20)
G, D, C, G Speaking Truth And Wisdom, Trust In Me. (John 3:16-18)
Em, D, C, G Trust In Me , Not Mary, Trust In Me , Only Me.
(John 14:6; Acts 4:12)
G, D, C, G Simple Words Of Wisdom,Trust J.C.
G, D The
Father, Son And Holy Spirit,

Em, C
In The Heavens Do Agree
(1 John 5:5-8)
G,D, C, G Herein Lies The Answer, Trust J.C.

G, D And Though They Are In Heaven,
Em, C
Truth Is Verified By These Three.
G, D, C, G
Father, Word And Spirit, In J.C.
(Colossians 2:9,10)
Em, D, C, G
Trust In Me, Only Me, Not Mary, Not Mommy (1 Timothy 2:5)
G, D, C, G
She's Not The One To Follow, Trust In Me. (John 10:7-9)
Em, D, C, G
Trust In Me, Not Mary, Not Mommy, Let Her Be.
(1 Timothy 2:5)
G, D, C, G
Speaking Truth And Wisdom, Trust In Me. (John 3:16-18)

Em, D, C, G Trust J.C., Not Mary, Not Mommy, Let Her Be. (1 Timothy 2:5) G, D, C, G Speaking Truth And Wisdom, Trust In Me. (John 3:16-18) G, D There Am I When Two Are Gathered,
Em, C
But Better Yet When Three Agree (Deuteronomy 17:6; 19:15; Matthew 18:15-20; 2 Cor. 13:1)
G, D, C, G
This Is Simple Wisdom, Go For Three.

G, D
And On The Earth There Is A Witness,
Em, C
The Life That Lives Inside J.C.
(1 John 5:5-8; Leviticus 17:11)
G, D, C, G Spirit, Water, Blood, These Three Agree.
(John 19:33,34)
Em, D, C, G
It's All Three, We're Agreed, Trinity, Not Mary

G, D, C, G
The Truth In Three Dimensions, Its All Three.
Em, D, C, G
It's All Three, We're Agreed, Trinity, Not Mary
G, D,
C, G
Do I Have A Witness?, Its All Three

To Hear This Song Sung,
Hold Down the Shift Key, Click Here, Then Play. End Of Song.
Feel Free To Post Freely And Unaltered Throughout The Internet.
New Lyrics By Bj Maxwell
Melody By McCartney/Lennon
Constructive Criticism And Real World Management By My Lovely Wife Cynthia.
Singing By Bj Maxwell
Copyright ©
06/23/2011, 06/28/2011, 09/15/2014
You are a Hopeless Catholic if:
1) You think The Difference Between Justification and Sanctification is only one of spelling.

3) You Think the omniscient Christ just forgot to tell
us the past and present role of Mary. (Matthew 12:46ff) 
4) You Think You and Muslims believe in the same god,
and may be right, yet cannot explain why such atrocities still happened between the two groups in the past. (Catholic Catechism)
5) Think it is wrong for the cults to make other religious
works equal to the Bible, but your religion is the exception to the rule. 
6) You Think that Jesus' younger brothers must have
been cousins cause for them to be brothers would conflict with you preconceived notions.
7) You don't think forced celibacy has contributed at
all to the sexual perversions of Catholic priests over the years. (1 Timothy 4:1-6)
8) You think nothing is wrong with illegal immigration,
and ninety percent of Mexicans and their eight natural born citizens per family being Catholic has nothing to do with it.
9) Don't find it odd that the Maronic visions of Fatima
and Lourdes are offering messages that are contrary to scripture. (Galatians 1:8,9)
10) Have made the little rock-Peter and the present
Papa your main guys, but forgot to include the apostle who was used by God to dictate and write most of the New Testament
and bring the 'whole counsel of God'. (Acts 20:27ff)
11) Don't think it odd that most Catholic imagery of
their version of Christ have him as a weak baby, limp in Mary's arms or still affixed to the cross.
12) You Think that Jesus never calling Mary mother was
just because pointing out her gender was more important....'Woman' (John 19:26)
13) Your favorite comeback response to arguments against
Catholic doctrines such as 'Transubstantiation' is, 'Well, it is and it isn't.'
14) Don't Think it peculiar that the Mafia and the Catholic
Church thrive in the same place.
'Fadder forgive me I just whacked somebody....'
15) You a PEterist agree with the PReterist that the
whore and Beast in Revelation must be figurative or past tense.
16) You think it is all right to condemn any other mediators
than Christ, but it is perfectly acceptable to be another 'mediatrix', its just a matter of gender.
17) You Believe assenting to the Council of Nicea regarding
the nature of Christ is good just as long as that little detail doesn't get in the way of your view of Mary and salvation.
18) Your idea of unity with Bible believing Christians
is really them agreeing with you.
19) You Think Every King needs a Queen even if that
Queen is young enough to be his creation. (John 1:1-3; Colossians 1:15-17)
20) Your view of the afterlife for both Catholic and
Non Catholic are very similar except one is for an indefinite period of time, though you do not know how long that time is.
'I'm not worried about this burning all over, someones
praying me out of here.'
21) Don't find it revealing that the founding prophet
of a major false religion, founded his religion on thinking that the 'people of the book' believed one of the persons of the
Triunity of God to be Mary.
22) Cannot say for sure whether you are saved (eternally
insecure) but still think you can speak as an authority on what scripture really means. (John 17:3) 
I will expound more on these points later.
Bj Maxwell
12/26/2006 09/15/2014
Copyright ©