The Age Of Aquarius
The Age Of Hilarious

Links Are In Green
The Age Of Hilarious
"The 1961 Report of the Register of Copyrights on the General Revision of the U.S. Copyright Law
cites examples of activities that courts have regarded as FAIR USE: "quotation of excerpts in a review or
CRITICISM FOR PURPOSES OF ILLUSTRATION OR COMMENT; quotation of short passages in a scholarly or technical
work, for illustration or clarification of the author’s observations; USE IN A PARODY OF SOME OF THE CONTENT OF THE WORK PARODIED..."
New And Improved Lyrics By Bj Maxwell
The Music Doesn't Start Up Automatically, Hold Down The Shift Key And Click Here.
If You Need Help Singing This Or Want To Hear It Sung, Scroll To Bottom Of Song And Click Link
To Hear Lu, Sing It.
New Lyrics:
The Sun Is Dark As Sackcloth.
(Revelation 6:12ff)

And Stupider Aligns With Dumb
(John 12:40; 2 Corinthians 3:14; 4:4; 1 John 2:11; Romans 1:25; 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12)

In Piec-es We'll Lose
This Planet
(Revelation 11:18; Revelation 8)
No Man Knows When This Will Come
(Mark 13:32)
This Is The Coming Of The Age Of Hilarious

Age Of Denarius

Hilarious, Denarious
Where Science Fiction Is The Model

With E.T's Demonic Twaddle

And Every View Is Just
As Valid.

Your Friends Are Like FRUITY Salad

When The Comic Is The Scholar

And Truth More True
By The Dollar.
(1 Timothy 6:5-10)
Hilarious, Denarius

When The Church Removes To Yonder Heaven.
(1 Thessalonians 4:16,17)
And Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12ff; 2 Thess. 2) Precedes The Son.

Then, 'Lies' As In The
(Genesis 3:1-15)
As God, Can Man Become.
(Ye Are Gods)

This Is The Coming Of The Age Of Aquarius
Nefarious, Precarious
The Love Of Many Will Grow Cold
(Matthew 24:11,12)
Antichrists Ever Bold
(1 John 2:18-22)
Apostasy And Grand Delusions
(2 Thess. 2; 1 Timothy 4:1-6)
Stereophonic Brain Infusions

Oxymoronic Conclusions
And Satan's Last Grand Deception
(2 Thess. 2)
Luciferius, Luciferius
Let God's Son Shine In, Let God's Son Shine In, Gods Son Shine In....
To Hear Lu Sing This
Song, Click Here, Minimize Then Read The Lyrics Above.
"Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. 12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry , and ye
perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him." (Psalm
"Those impostors then, whom they style Mathematicians, I consulted without scruple;
because they seemed to use no sacrifice, nor to pray to any spirit for their divinations: which art, however, Christian and
true piety consistently rejects and condemns. For, it is a good thing to confess unto Thee, and to say, Have mercy upon me,
heal my soul, for I have sinned against Thee; and not to abuse Thy mercy for a licence to sin, but to remember the Lord's
words, Behold, thou art made whole, sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee. All which wholesome advice they labour
to destroy, saying, "The cause of thy sin is inevitably determined in heaven"; and "This did Venus, or Saturn, or Mars": that
man, forsooth, flesh and blood, and proud corruption, might be blameless; while the Creator and Ordainer of heaven and the
stars is to bear the blame. And who is He but our God? the very sweetness and well-spring of righteousness, who renderest
to every man according to his works: and a broken and contrite heart wilt Thou not despise." (Augustine)
Thanks To The Triune God With A Sense Of Humor.
New Lyrics By Bj Maxwell
Copyright ©
Thanks To Cynthia My Wife For Making My Real World Manageable So I Can Do
Thanks Again To My Wife For The Technological Advice That Allowed Me To Modify
The Karaoke To Include Another Verse.
Thanks To Daniel Tavolieri For Telling Us About The Great Recording Device
That Makes This Possible.
Feel Free To Post This Song Unaltered, Anywhere And Everywhere.
Thanks To The 5th Dimension And Musical 'Hair' For The Melody.
You Are A Hypocritically Illogical, Oxymoronic,
And/Or Non Sequitur If You: 
"A non sequitur is a conversational and literary device, often used for comical purposes (as opposed
to its use in formal logic. It is a comment which, due to its lack of meaning relative to the comment it follows, is absurd
to the point of being humorous or confusing. Its use can be deliberate or unintentional. Literally, it is Latin for "it does not follow." In other literature, a non sequitur can denote
an abrupt, illogical , unexpected or absurd turn of plot or dialogue not normally associated with or appropriate to that preceding
Non sequiturs often appear to be disconnected
or random comments, or random changes in subject, especially
socially inappropriate ones. When non sequiturs are used frequently this can be called "absurd humor".
"Oxymoron is a loanword from Greek
oxy ("sharp") and moros ("dull"). Thus the word
oxymoron is itself an oxymoron.
Oxymora are a proper subset of the expressions called contradictions in terms . What distinguishes oxymora from other paradoxes and contradictions is that they are used intentionally,
for rhetorical effect, and the contradiction is only apparent, as the combination of terms provides a novel expression of
some concept, such as 'cruel to be kind'."
Sometimes The Oxymorons Are From Me As A 'Novel Expression
Of Some Concept' That Is Usually Illogical But Accepted By Many Anyhow.
Priviledged Hypocrisy
Real Pretenders
Aggressive Passivity
4) Think it is all right for you to pick and choose
what to spiritualize or replace in scripture, but the Liberals are not allowed that same luxury.
Priviledged Hypocrisy
5) Think That Jesus is God Almighty But Still Needs
His Mommys Help to Make What He Said happen And To Tell Us What He Forgot To Mention.
Impotent Omnipotence
4) Talking To Oneself Is Schizoid But When God Does,
It Is Another Matter.
In The Name Of Me, Myself And I
5) Push For The Right Of Same Sex marriage But Then
Loosely pattern your Homo/Lesbian relationship after the heterosexuals (Butch And Sindance)
Double Act
7) Think that Homosexual Relationships And Forcing
A Round Peg Into A Square Hole Is Your Constitutional Right But Object To Polygamists Having Right To Marry However Many They
Want To.
Moral Immorality
8) Think That It Only Makes Sense as to How to hook
up a Water Hose, But Don't Apply That Same Logic to Your Sexual Relationships.
Green Thumb, Black Heart
9) Think That The Problem in Iraq Is All The Terrorists
Coming In From Across The Borders But People Sneaking Into the US From Canada And Mexico Is To Be Encouraged.
10) Believe That Proving the Humanity Of Christ Rules
Out His Deity.
11) Campaign To Get A Pound of Cure with billions
Toward An AIDS Cure, but Object To An Ounce of Prevention, By Refraining From Activity That Stops the Problem Before It Starts.
Nutshell: Right In Front Of Your Hose
12) Think That Discrimination And Group Preference
Is Wrong, Except When Talking About Our Treatment Of Whitey.
13) Call Yourself A Man Of God And Think That The
Bible Teaches That the Government Is the Cause and the Cure For All Our Ills.
14) Think that Muslim Fighting Muslim Over There Will
Free Them Up To Come Over Here.
15) Think That The Government Sent Hurricane Katrina
To Target Black People But The Government Cannot Win The War In Iraq.
Omnipotent Impotence
16) Think That The Death of Christ breaking down the
Middle Wall of Partition Between Groups Should Finally Lead To The Church Dividing People into Groups Again.
Oxymoron: Modern Ministry
17) Blaming the U.S. or Whitey For Ones Problems Makes
Growing Up Unnecessary.
18) Think That Fox News Is Biased So Therefore NBC
19) Think That Fighting Osama Then Electing Obama
Are Both Good.
20) Believe That Bombing Fellow Muslims Will Make
Them Wanna Be Like You.
21) Make A Practice Of Drawing Specific Conclusions
From General Observations.
22) Think That Proving One God In Scripture Disproves
The Triunity.
Nutshell: Macro Theology
Keyword: non sequitur
A) Think A Fox's Coat Turning White In Winter Means
That He Can Evolve Into A Polar Bear.
B) Think That Finding A Design In Nature Means We
C) Think That The Question 'Who Created God', Keeps
Christians At Bay And By Default Means That Having To Go Eternally Backward To Find A Cause For Every Effect Is Logical.
25) Think That Rosie O'Donnel Is One Of The Great
Thinkers Of Our Day Because She Is In The Headlines And Makes People Mad.
26) Think God Loves And Only Died For Some But We
Are To Be More Loving Than God By Loving All. (2 Cor. 5:14-17)
"Here are two types of non sequitur of traditional
1) Any argument that takes the following form is a
non sequitur:
If A is true, then B is true.
B is stated to be true.
Therefore, A must be true.
Even if the premises and conclusion are
all true, the conclusion is not a necessary consequence of the premises. This sort of non sequitur is also called affirming
the consequent .
An example of affirming the consequent would be:
If I am a human (A) then I am a mammal. (B)
I am a mammal. (B)
Therefore, I am a human. (A)
"I" could be another type of mammal without being
a human. While the conclusion may be true, it does not follow from the premises. This argument is still a fallacy even if
the conclusion is true. It is a non sequitur (note that it is the exact same argument form as in example 1 - the form
is always a non sequitur)."
But There Is Hope For You If You Forsake These Practices.
Bj Maxwell
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